Grade 2 Nutrition, Medication, & Family and Social Relationships

Health and Physical Education is a requirement for all students who attend a public school. Ridgewood Public Schools Wellness Program strives to provide students with a health education program that enhances their ability to make informed decisions and to exhibit behaviors that nurture their physical, social, and emotional well-being.

Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A: 35-4.7, any student whose parent or guardian presents to the school a signed statement that any part of the instruction in health, family life education or sex education is in conflict with his/her conscience or sincerely held moral or religious beliefs shall be excused from that portion of the health curriculum. The health teacher will be glad to speak with you to discuss the curriculum.

2020 New Jersey Student Learning Standards - Comprehensive Health and Physical Education

The second grade Nutrition, Medication, and Family and Social Relationships health unit is comprised of these indicators: 

2.1.2.PP.1: Define reproduction. 2.1.2.PP.2: Explain the ways in which parents may care for their offspring (e.g., animals, people, fish).
2.1.2.SSH.1: Discuss how individuals make their own choices about how to express themselves. 2.1.2.SSH.2: Discuss the range of ways people express their gender and how gender-role stereotypes may limit behavior.
2.2.2.N.1: Explore different types of foods and food groups.
2.2.2.N.2: Explain why some foods are healthier to eat than others. 2.2.2.N.3: Differentiate between healthy and unhealthy eating habits.
2.3.2.PS.1: Demonstrate personal habits and behaviors that contribute to keeping oneself and others healthy and the environment clean and safe. 2.3.2.PS.2: Discuss healthy and safe choices both indoors and outdoors (e.g., using equipment, wearing bike helmets, vehicle, water, weather safety).
2.3.2.HCDM.1: Explain the consequences on a person’s health if he or she does not have adequate food and a clean environment. 2.3.2.HCDM.2: Demonstrate personal hygiene and the use of necessary and appropriate health-enhancing behaviors that can keep a person healthy (e.g., precautions to avoid illnesses, handle food hygienically, brush teeth, regular physical activity, adequate sleep, appropriate dress for various weather conditions).
2.3.2.ATD.1: Explain what medicines are, how they are used, and the importance of utilizing medications properly. 2.3.2.ATD.2: Identify ways in which drugs, including some medicines, can be harmful. 2.3.2.ATD.3: Explain effects of tobacco use on personal hygiene, health, and safety.
2.3.2.DSDT.1: Recognize that some people may have difficulty controlling their use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. 2.3.2.DSDT.2: Explain that individuals who abuse alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs can get help.