3000 Certificated Staff Members
Number Title              
3111 Creating Positions
3112 Abolishing Positions
3124 Employment Contract
3125 Employment of Teaching Staff Members
3125.2 Employment of Substitute Teachers
3126 District Mentoring Program
> Regulation 3126 District Mentoring Program
3141 Resignation
3142 Non-renewal of Non-tenured Teaching Staff Member
> Regulation 3142 Non-renewal of Non-tenured Teaching Staff Member
3143 Dismissal
3144 Certification of Tenure Charges
> Regulation 3144 Certification of Tenure Charges
3144.12 Certification of Tenure Charges - Inefficiency
3144.3 Suspension Upon Certification of Tenure Charges
3146 Conduct of Reduction in Force
> Regulation 3146 Conduct of Reduction in Force
3150 Discipline
3152 Withholding an Increment
3159 Teaching Staff Member/School District Reporting Responsibilities
3160 Physical Examination
> Regulation 3160 Physical Examination
3161 Examination for Cause
3211 Code of Ethics
3211.3 Consulting Outside the District
> Regulation 3211.3 Consulting Outside the District
3212 Attendance
> Regulation 3212 Professional Staff Attendance Review and Improvement Plan
3214 Conflict of Interest
3217 Use of Corporal Punishment
3218 Use, Possession, or Distribution of Substances
> Regulation 3218 Use, Possession, or Distribution of Substances
3221 Evaluation of Teachers
> Regulation 3221 Evaluation of Teachers
3222 Evaluation of Teaching Staff Members, Excluding Teachers & Administrators
> Regulation 3222 Evaluation of Teaching Staff Members, Excluding Teachers & Administrators
3223 Evaluation of Administrators, Excluding Principals, Vice Principals, and Assistant Principals
> Regulation 3223 Evaluation of Administrators, Excluding Principals, Vice Principals, and Assistant Principals
> Regulation 3223.1 Evaluation of Non-tenured Administrators
> Regulation 3223.2 Evaluation of Tenured Administrators
3224 Evaluation of Principals, Vice Principals, and Assistant Principals
> Regulation 3224 Evaluation of Principals, Vice Principals and Assistant Principals
3230 Outside Activities
> Regulation 3230 Outside Activities
3231 Outside Employment as Athletic Coach
3232 Tutorial Services
> Regulation 3232 Tutorial Services
3233  Political Activities
> Regulation 3233 Political Activities
3240 Professional Development for Teachers and School Leaders
> Regulation 3240 Professional Development for Teachers and School Leaders
3245 Research Projects by Staff Members
3270 Professional Responsibilities
> Regulation 3270 Lesson Plans
3280 Liability for Pupil Welfare
> Regulation 3280 Liability for Pupil Welfare
3281 Inappropriate Staff Conduct
> Regulation 3281 Inappropriate Staff Conduct
3282 Staff Use of Internet Social Networks, Other Forms of Electronic Communication, and the Internet
3283 Electronic Communications Between Teaching Staff Members and Students
3310 Academic Freedom
3321 Acceptable Use of Computer Network(s)/Computers/PEDS and Resources by Teaching Staff Members
> Regulation 3321 Acceptable Use of Computer Network(s)/Computers/PEDS and Resources by Teaching Staff Members
3322 Staff Member's Use of Personal Cellular Telephones/Other Communication Devices
3324 Right of Privacy
3340 Grievance
3351 Healthy Workplace Environment
3362 Sexual Harassment
> Regulation 3362 Sexual Harassment of Teaching Staff Members Complaint Procedure
3370 Teaching Staff Member Tenure
3372 Teaching Staff Member Tenure Acquisition
3373 Tenure Upon Transfer or Promotion
3381 Protection Against Retaliation
3410 Compensation
3420 Benefits
3421.13 Postnatal Accommodations
3425 Work-Related Disability Pay
3425.1 Modified Duty Early Return to Work Program
> Regulation 3425.1 Modified Duty Early Return to Work Program - Teaching Staff Members
3433 Vacations
3434 Holidays
3435 Anticipated Disability
3436 Personal Leave
3437 Military Leave
3439 Jury Duty