Ridgewood Special Programs supports students, teachers and parents in our community to address the diverse needs of students through a variety of programs so that they can access the curriculum to improve academically, socially and emotionally. As a result, we have developed specialized programs that are tailored to the specific needs of our students.
The Continuum of Programs & Least Restrictive Environment (LRE):
LRE isn't a place — it's a principle that guides a child's education program. The LRE for each child may look different because all students are unique. It is a requirement that students with disabilities be educated, to the maximum extent possible and appropriate, with nondisabled peers and only removed from the general education setting unless, even with supplemental aids and services, their education cannot be achieved satisfactorily.

The IEP Team works collaboratively to review the student's learning profile and areas of strengths and needs to then consider which programs and services are appropriate for the particular subject area. Consideration with progress to the student's goals and objectives helps to determine when a less restrictive learning environment may be appropriate to meet the student's needs. There can often be additional academic support and basic skills supports available to students in less restrictive settings and your case manager would be the most appropriate staff to reach out to in order to better understand the least restrictive options for your child. Programs are described in NJAC 6A:14/Special Education New Jersey Administrative Code.
A presentation by the NJDOE can be found here: An Array of Supports for Including Students with Disabilities
When self-contained specialized programs are considered the least restrictive environment, the Ridgewood Public School has the following programs below: