American Rescue Plan

American Rescue Plan - ESSER III

The American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act provides $122 billion in funding to states and school districts to facilitate the reopening and sustain the safe operation of schools.

LEA Plan for Use of Funds
Summary of the ESSER III Spending Plan
ARP ESSER Use of Funds Plan

American Rescue Plan - Safe Return Plan

November 21, 2023 - Complete the questionnaire to provide public comment prior to December 8, 2023.

June 7, 2023 - American Rescue Plan Safe Return Plan Update Presentation

November 1, 2021 Board of Education meeting 

verview of ARP ESSER III allocations and allowable uses were presented, along with recommended spending for the main grant and the four sub-grants. The public was invited to review the presentation and provide comments both at the meeting and via a write-in public comment form that remained open until 12:00 PM on Wednesday, November 17, 2021.

November 15, 2021 ESSER III Presentation

November 15, 2021 American Rescue Plan ESSER III presentation
Board meeting presentation
NJDOE Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) webpage

November 1, 2021 ESSER III Presentation

November 1, 2021 American Rescue Plan ESSER III presentation

Board Meeting presentation

June 21, 2021 - American Rescue Plan Requirements for Federal Grant Application

The requirements for the American Rescue Plan Federal Grant were presented at the Board of Education meeting on June 14. At that meeting, the public had the opportunity to comment on the plan. Subsequently, a public comment form was open from June 15-June 21 to collect written input from parents, staff, and community members. Considering feedback from stakeholders, modifications were made to the plan template and were presented at the June 21 Special Public Meeting.

Modifications to the template included language about determining local guidelines for mask wearing, physical distancing, and quarantine protocols if districts are authorized to do so while considering the risks/benefits for the physical/mental health of the students and staff. The District will not be using the Electronic Symptom Checking Questionnaire or taking temperature checks next year. Plans are subject to change based on updated guidance. 

June 21, 2021- Special Public Meeting
Presentation of final template for grant application

June 14, 2021 - American Rescue Plan Requirements for Federal Grant Application

At the June 14 Board of Education meeting, the requirements for the American Rescue Plan Federal Grant were presented. The ARP (American Rescue Plan) Act provides $122 billion in funding to states and school districts to facilitate the reopening and safe operation of schools. The portion expected for Ridgewood Public Schools is approximately $1.1 million. How the grant can be spent is still being determined by the federal government. As more information about allowable uses of these funds becomes available, plans will be developed  with community input and communicated.

The first step in acquiring our allocation is to provide information to the state and federal government on specific areas of our operation (Safe Return Plan), allow public comment, and then include these summaries on the first phase of the application. The Safe Return Plan template addresses eight (8) areas of operation, which are as follows:
  • Universal and correct wearing of masks

  • Physical distancing

  • Hand washing and respiratory etiquette

  • Cleaning and maintaining healthy facilities, including improving ventilation

  • Contact tracing, in combination with isolation and quarantine

  • Diagnostic and screening testing

  • Efforts to provide vaccines to educators, other staff, and students, if eligible

  • Appropriate accommodations for children with disabilities with respect to health and safety policies

A public comment period was held following the presentation. Write-in comments pertaining to the eight (8) areas of operation identified in the template were collected. The public comment form closed at 12:00 PM on Monday, June 21, 2021.