Human Resources Announcements

NJ Certification Fee Holiday

The Certification Fee Holiday is a limited-time opportunity available to all individuals seeking educator certification in the state of New Jersey. The holiday period commences on July 1, 2023 and extends through June 30, 2024. During this time, aspiring educators will be exempt from paying the typical fees associated with educator certification services, including application fees, renewal fees, and other related costs. 

Visit the Department of Education's certification website or reach out to their local county offices of education for more information on the application process and the benefits of the Certification Fee Holiday. 

Substitute Teachers and Nurses

The district is hiring additional substitute teachers, nurses and secretaries for the school year. For full details and application materials, visit the Substitute Application page .

Online Employment Opportunities

Our job opportunities are posted online and all applications are accepted through our online system. For more information, visit our Job Opportunities page.
Substitute Apply Today